Friday, February 27, 2009

Pain of Vengeance

The blood orange light cast thin long shadows upon the ground and softly glowed upon her face as the sun lifted above the land. The cold dark night with the scent of night blooming jasmine had finally passed, leaving her weak and worn. The warmth of the new day began to fill her veins with strength that would allow her to continue on her journey.

Visions of the days before flashed through her mind creating ill sensations in the pit of her stomach. With a tight squeeze of her eyelids she took a deep breath and cried allowed to an unknown God for his guidance, protection, and power. As the anger began to swell in her gut, indignation and hate quickly replaced fear. Seeking justice not for herself but for her beautiful younger sister, kindhearted father and strong willed mother. She gracefully rose to her feet and fixed her eyes on the long, steep and winding road ahead.

Loyalty and trust was the cornerstone her family had built their lives around. On the soft day when the gentle mist obscured the majesty of the landscape and the beautiful stranger with sad brown eyes, rode into their lives upon a majestic black horse, never would they have thought the evil this man would cast upon them.

With resolution in her heart and trembling of hands she pressed her foot firm to the ground and moved forward. Vengeance was not what she sought, or so she told herself. With fathers words playing over and over in her mind she knew there would have been no place for wrath.

Doubt began to flood her thoughts as she approached him. Fist clenched with fear, anger, and pain she knew this was the moment of truth...


  1. More! I wanna know more! I'm so drawn into the story. You are gifted, my friend.

  2. Definitely not long enough! I'll be waiting for part two...

  3. Excellent! Your use of description is flawless! I could feel her heartache, conflict, and determination to right the wrong. Thank you very much, I loved it!

  4. I wanted to write so much more but was unable to pull the ideas from my mind to the page. I'll finish it someday.
